Thursday, November 30, 2006

The world isn't ready for me and I am not ready to face the world

It's funny when I think about it... it's so funny that I end up crying my eyes dry... My life is one big irony. Trapped in a world where every single action I do elicit a different response from what I hope for. Everyday is a struggle. To be true to oneself and nature isn't an easy task, and yet it is the path I had chosen to take. Unfortunately, as time passes, I am riddled with doubts. Should I even walk further on this path? Should even throw caution to the wind and stand my ground against everyone who feels I am overstepping my boundaries? I am tired. So tired of struggling. So tired of thinking of ways to escape the chains I am bound with. Some of them think it is by choice. But who would chose to be bound to a life where freedom is scarce and your own do not accept you as you are? I am who I am and I want to stay as who I am. Unfortunately, as things stand, I don't quite feel up to it. The mask has been shattered once again. The sadness is out for all the world to see and I found myself once again struggling. The world knew the smile, and only a select few know about the tears.

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