Tuesday, August 02, 2005

On Things and Stuff that Bothers Me

Well, i have to say a lot of things bother me, but what bothers me the most is the fact that people are afraid to be themselves. i'm not saying that i'm not one of those people because in some way i still am, but at least i'm trying my best to show others who i really am... i think the root of this fear is not being accepted by society. we've seen examples of such happenings, more in the form of men coming out of the closet to announce to the world that their gay. society had put it into our beliefs that there's only black and white and no gray areas in between, that these gray areas are met with such violent reactions that border on hostility to outright denouncement of such individuals. i believe each of us wears a mask concealing our deepest desires, thoughts, and feelings. we show the world something we believe it would find no fault in, a face that shows nothing more than a shadow of what we really are. i remember the days when i used to hide behind the shadows, being compliant, naive, and utterly speechless, a victim of bullies. but if you think about it, bullies themselves have that mask. each of us has something we want to hide to the world, i'm not denying that, but to actually have the courage to let go of that fear is something that we all seem to lack. i'm no inspirational nor motivational speaker, but i do know that despite the fact that no one would seriously take me to be the writer of such words at first glance, there are people out there willing to look beyond what they can see to the woman that i am. for others, being the center of attention is everything, and for some its the bane of their existence. others still crave to be recognize for their own endeavors, while others prefer to let others take the credit. can you look inside your soul and honestly say that you don't regret not taking credit for what is due to you? i know i did, plenty of times, because these are the opportunities that we miss out the most when we went for the modest approach because society would look upon you as arrogant. is it enough for you to know you played a part on getting someone to the top, when in truth that person doesn't serve it and would have probably missed it if you didn't do exert the needed effort so that he could take credit for your job? it's okay to be modest, but it's not okay to be taken advantage of. you are a nice person, but you're also naive if you think that that's the end of it... people had always wanted to reach the top, and when they do, they want to stay on top, and that means you'll have to continually working your butt off while these person reaps the benefit.
arrogance, defined.
arrogance had for most people meant simply of boasting, but i think it's time we put more into this definition. the purpose of boasting is to gain attention, no matter how trivial it is. on the other hand claiming credit for something you did isn't. it's getting credit where credit's due. therefore it shouldn't be consider arrogance when you claim what is rightfully yours.
i'll add more when i don't have pressing matters to attend to...