Thursday, September 23, 2010

Glee 2 Audition

What makes a show phenomenal in my eyes? I guess it's more than just the storyline, the celebrities and their overall marketing impact - it always boils down to its social relevance.

I'm not a frequent blogger, and I rarely managed to finish a blog post. But there's something about the air today that makes me want to write.

The underlying theme that literally stands out on the first episode of Glee season 2 is the different types of bullying.
  • Rachel bullying Sunshine because she felt threatened.
  • Will bullying Beiste because he viewed Beiste as the cause of the Glee Club's lack of funds.
  • Beiste bullying Finn in reaction to her feelings of inadequacy, and the deep-seated insecurity of a woman tackling a man's world.
  • Sue... she bullies everybody so I guess there's not much to say about her.
  • Santana bullying Quinn because she needs to vent out her frustration for losing the position of head cheerleader to Quinn all because she was insecure with her body and gotten herself a boob job
And of course, at the end of the show, they wrapped it up by showing a number of consequences certain actions impacted upon.
  • Sunshine being pirated away by Vocal Adrenaline because she doesn't feel secure with Rachel around.
  • Sam seeing the possibility of getting kicked off the football team like Finn if he joined the Glee Club.
  • Will understanding that he was doing to Beiste almost exactly what had been done to him and apologizing, therefore invoking Sue's wrath
Maybe I'll continue posting my thoughts once again, or maybe this will be one of those once in a blue moon kind of thing. Anyway, only time will tell.

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