Friday, September 10, 2004

Friday Fun

well... it's not exactly a fun friday but at least i got to see some of my friends evn though the reason for seeing them is not exactly a very positive event.... okay, to dispel any confusion, today, i went to school to adjust my schedule because i failed chem. yes, i'm not cheerful nor in a ranting mood at the moment as i was before. just resigned to the fate i was handed with and handling my grief in a more mature way...
anyway, i had a conversation with a friend i haven't talked to for awhile, chatted with some of my friends, spent the rest of my afternoon in front of my computer, brought some new clothes to wear for next term this morning and basically spending my last friday in a more or less light-hearted mood since i'll be going back for the second term on monday...
well, i'm sorry if i made you sad yola... wasn't really my intention... didn't even realize you were reading my posts... thanks a lot and i miss you too... let's hang-out next term whenever we could and maybe go out on another food trip with a lot more people than just me, you, peachy and dr. :)

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